Curinga – Roman Ancient Thermal area in Acconia

In the territory of Acconia, a small town in the municipality of Curinga, province of Catanzaro, there is this beautiful ancient archaeological site that dates back to Roman times.
Thanks to the discovery of a Diocletian bronze coin it was possible to establish the exact period of membership of the site, which, despite having been built between the I and II century AD he lived important periods until the 3rd-4th century AD.

The site anciently represented private baths, today called the Baths of Acconia (Terme Romane di Acconia) , which were part of a monumental villa, probably private, belonging to those who ruled much of the Calabrian region.
The villa is located on the street that at the time of the Romans was called Via Popilia, which was the street that connected Rome to Reggio Calabria and represented an important link between Rome and the Eastern Empire.

The site is important because it is the only building built using construction techniques widely used in Roman Africa.

The thermal complex currently occupies an area of ​​about 700 square meters.

The baths are nothing but the ancient baths of the Romans, the public baths, where those who had good economic possibilities went. The baths served as meeting places, they were a sort of recreational area, a gym, a square, and bathrooms at the same time.

The fact that this building can be found here, in an area of ​​the province, suggests the presence of other treasures in the immediate vicinity, in this suggestive natural scenery, and probably of an ancient Roman city that is still very important but not found, but to be found. …

We thank our friend Massimo Iannuzzi for the video below, which through his extraordinary Amazing Kalabria initiative takes us around to learn about the most beautiful sites in the Calabria region.