
The hilly / mountainous territory of the three villages of Nocera Terinese, Falerna and Gizzeria lends itself to trekking activities.

In particular, at the Mount Mancuso, which involves all three villages, there are several paths with indications on difficulty and duration. Totems are available with maps at the main squares in the upper part of the countries.

(mountain routes map at the main square in Gizzeria superiore)

Some route includes all three sections (sea, hill and mountain), and allows you to enjoy all the beautiful views available here. In some cases we start from the marina, gradually climbing with appropriate breaks, up to the top of the mountain, from where you can enjoy the view of the Gulf of S. Eufemia with all the Aeolian islands and sometimes also Mount Etna. In the mountains then several tracks wind. Recall that the Mancuso mountain exceeds 1000 meters and that the countries of Nocera, Falerna and Gizzeria are between 500 and 700 meters above sea level.